Ok, so this post doesn't really have anything to do with adoption, but I just had to share my day with y'all.
Let me start by saying that yesterday was ROUGH! It was just one of those days where every tiny thing gets on your nerves. I know we've all had those days. So, I went to bed early last night determined to have a better day Friday.
I woke up this morning feel great and rested after getting 8 full hours of sleep. So, I put my Christian music on for the ride to school which was great. Right before turning into the school I saw a rainbow! What?! How was there even a rainbow in the sky this morning? It was awesome and just gave me more hope that today would be an awesome day.
I get to school and my sweet students ask if we are having chapel. We usually have it on Fridays at least twice a month. We weren't having it today, so the kids asked if we could have our own. Well, of course we can! So, I asked some of the kids to give me the name of their favorite worship songs. We had a short devotion and then we sang the songs. Man, there is just something truly amazing about hearing children sing praises to God! As if that didn't melt my heart enough, we were singing our last song "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" when I look around the room in time to see one of my precious babies with her hand in the air with no shame full on worshipping! Talk about giving you chills and about making me cry! What a fantastic way to start the day! And you know it's good when 10-11 year olds tell you that they could truly feel the Spirit in the room. Now, the kids want the singing to become a daily part of our devotions. What a blessing to work in a school where we can worship our Lord! Also, what a blessing that children are asking to have longer, more in depth, and worshipful devotions each day. Needless to say, we had a pretty great day.